Private Adoption
Home / Private Adoption
Providence Place Understands Your Hopes And Fears About Adoption. We Are Here To Help Walk You Through This New Adventure In Your Life.
One of the questions asked is the cost of adoption. We pride ourselves on being transparent with adopting families, that’s why we offer a flat-fee of $31,365. This fee covers expenses for services related to the adoption process. Our fee reflects average program costs to our agency and is not tied to the specific expenses of the child you may be adopting. We Are Currently Accepting Applications For This Program. Program costs may include, but are not limited to the following:
Medical expenses for birthmother and baby
Reasonable maternity expenses
Staff costs – birth parent and adoption program
Legal expenses
Operational costs
Foster care costs
Counseling services
Post-adoption services
Please contact us at 210-696-2410 or at adoption@provplace.org to take the next step on your adoption journey.
Providence Place is a licensed child placement agency in San Antonio, TX. In addition, we are a unique 501(c)3 non-profit that provides multi-purpose programming to survivors of complex trauma, expectant mothers, families with children under the age of three and youth in foster care. All donations are tax deductible. EIN # 74-1168923