Post-Adoption Services
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Services Provided
Search - $500.00
A search can have two possible goals – seeking updated medical/genetic information and communication/reunion. This includes the Communication & Information Exchange fee. There is no guarantee that contact will be made.
Document Request - $150.00
This option provides copies of de-identified files from the adoption record, including medical and legal matters.
The adoption process does not end when the paperwork is finalized. Adoption is a lifelong process. Adoptees often raise questions that parents may not be able to answer and Providence Place provides post-adoption services to help families understand and navigate this ongoing process.
Communication and Information Exchange - $95.00
This takes place AFTER a search is successful. Providence Place assists parties as the intermediary by sending letters/emails between the two parties. This can be done on a long-term basis, or until counseling requirements are fulfilled for full information exchange.
This option can also pertain to parties who have previously had communication at some point, but have lost contact. This includes the possible search to update invalid contact information, although there is no guarantee that contact will be made.

Any member of the adoption triad who was party to an adoption facilitated by Providence Place, formerly known as Methodist Mission Home.
**Please note that we are not Texas Cradle Society and do not have access to those files**
Start The Process:
For more information about your available options or to discuss other needs, please contact us at 210-696-2410 or at adoption@provplace.org

Adoption is a gift of life, love & hope.
Providence Place has helped create close to 6,000 families through adoption.
Providence Place is a licensed child placement agency in San Antonio, TX. In addition, we are a unique 501(c)3 non-profit that provides multi-purpose programming to survivors of complex trauma, expectant mothers, families with children under the age of three and youth in foster care. All donations are tax deductible. EIN # 74-1168923