Foster Care And Adoption
Home / Foster Care And Adoptions
Are You Ready To Open Your Home And Heart To A Child In Care? We’re Here To Help.
Providence Place serves families who share the belief that all children deserve a loving family and a happy home
What we Offer:
• Private Adoption: Our adoption program helps provide permanent homes and loving families for children born in the United States. We are a leader in Open Adoption and believe it’s the healthiest option for everyone involved.
• DFPS Foster Care and Adoption: Our DFPS Foster Care and Adoption program was developed out of the belief that all children, whether they are older, are part of a sibling group, have special needs, or are an ethnic minority, deserve a home and a supportive, loving family.
• Adoption Information Sessions. This will give you an opportunity to learn more about the process and discuss which program you might be most interested in. We are here to answer any questions you might have.
Eligibility criteria for families
Families interested in adopting through Providence Place must meet the following criteria:
Be between 21 and 65 years old.
Have a high school diploma/GED equivalent.
Financially stable & insured with sufficient funds to take on the cost of an additional child.
Have safe and reliable transportation.
Be in good physical health with a clean criminal background.
Emotionally and mentally healthy and mature.
Must attend required orientation, preservice and annual trainings.
Must agree to abide by the child adoption expectations of the state of Texas.
Must agree to refrain from corporal punishment and report all serious incidents.

What You Can Expect
You can count on professional guidance and compassionate support as we work with you. We believe adoption and foster care are powerful options, courageous choices, and selfless acts of love.
Regardless of the type of adoption you decide to pursue, we will guide and support you along the way. We want you, as an adoptive family, to feel supported through all the required paperwork, creation of an adoption profile, and will help you deal with the ups and downs of the adoption process, as well as assisting in any post-adoption challenges.
Our adoption staff cares about your desire to grow your family and understand your challenges and fears. You can count on our professional guidance, our understanding of the issues, and our steady support as we work together to bring your child home.

Adoption is a gift of life, love & hope.
“Ending the cycle of generational trauma through innovative services.”
Children We Serve
Private Adoption: 0-3 years of age.
TDFPS Foster & Adoption: 0-17 years of age.
We also license Transitional Living Foster Homes that serve young adults 18-22 years of age.
Service area
Providence Place serves DFPS verified homes located within the 75 mile radius surrounding Providence Place located at 6487 Whitby Road, San Antonio.
Families interested in our Private Adoption Program may live anywhere in the state of Texas.
Contact us
For more information, please click on the links below.

Providence Place is a licensed child placement agency in San Antonio, TX. In addition, we are a unique 501(c)3 non-profit that provides multi-purpose programming to survivors of complex trauma, expectant mothers, families with children under the age of three and youth in foster care. All donations are tax deductible. EIN # 74-1168923